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mugenhunt t1_jeasc9f wrote

The rules for this subreddit are that we are not literally explaining things to 5-year-olds. "Explain like I'm five" is an expression that means "please explain this simply to me."

There are other subreddits that are literally about giving explanations on a 5-year-old level. But this one's rules are that we are writing for the adults who are actually using Reddit. Not for a theoretical child.

Also, many of the things that people ask here aren't very easily summarized on a child-friendly level.


Way2Foxy t1_jeasg3f wrote

>LI5 means friendly, simplified and layperson-accessible explanations - not responses aimed at literal five-year-olds.


If we literally answered like people were five, it'd be way less helpful and probably fairly condescending. If a question isn't quite clear enough, nobody (well, most) won't be offended if you ask for more clarity.


Skid_sketchens_twice t1_jeasvgl wrote

Well lil guy, sometimes people can really really really like the question. They like it so much that they have a whole lot to say. It's a normal thing for people to get excited. I bet you get excited over...trucks? Candy? Ball games?

It's like that but they want someone else to really understand. Sometimes we know so much about something that it makes it hard to explain to others l. So there really is only one way. Sometimes there are not smaller words for the big words.

What I do know is that at the end of the day, the person who asked the question ends up being happy with some sort of reply.

Now who wants to go to the park?


Flair_Helper t1_jeatjxc wrote

Please read this entire message

Your submission has been removed for the following reason(s):

Explain for lay people (but not actual 5-year-olds). "Explain like I'm five" is a figure of speech, and the sub name is not meant to be taken literally.

If you would like this removal reviewed, please read the detailed rules first. If you believe this submission was removed erroneously, please use this form and we will review your submission.


Ippus_21 t1_jeattdq wrote

Because "simple" isn't always the same as "short." Even if you're not addressing the actual complexity of the answer (see Rule 4), breaking a complex concept down to where it's understandable is often not a short process.

Complex concepts are condensed things that often contain layers of foundational understanding, which then have to be unpacked for a layman to grasp the concept.

>4. Explain for laypeople (but not actual 5-year-olds)
>Unless OP states otherwise, assume no knowledge beyond a typical secondary education program. Avoid unexplained technical terms. Don't condescend; "like I'm five" is a figure of speech meaning "keep it clear and simple."