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SinisterCheese t1_itqvs2o wrote

Well you just posted two things which got media attention.

You know what the extinction rebellion did in Finland last summer at a Rally? They peacefully protested.

What was done to them? Slurry made of cowshit was shot at them.

Care to explain what was so bad that they deserved such actions that the police arrested those people who shot shit at them?

Now I'm not part of extinction rebellion, but I am worried of climate change.

But you want solutions? I have some for you. Carbon tariffs at the EU border. Severe penalties for fossil fuel use. More nuclear power. Ban combustion engine cars for personal use and have a buyout program. Add tariffs to fossilfuels. Equally share carbon credits to everyone living in EU, which can be traded against cash and limit consumption against these; since wealthy people consume and emit more emission, they have to buy the right to emit - no more riding on the backs of poor people while you get to spoil in luxury even if you can afford the taxes.

Now present to me your solutions to this issue.

Because I can tell you that it is a fucking inconvienience when summer temperaturs keep going up and weather gets drier to the point that rivers are running dry around the world. But I assume this is not an inconvience?