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Ux-Pert t1_iu3a13m wrote

While at main google campus once, about 2005, there was a screen of the globe emitting a dot, rising up from the surface of its geo location, and fading up in to space, every time another dot appeared behind it. Each dot represented some 1000 or so ad clicks (must compress to visualize). If you have any exposure to digital advertising/paid search, you know what clicks cost. Anywhere from .01 to many many dollars. Each one. The entire globe was glowing luminously from the millions of dots - clicks - per second, continuously in near real time. This visualization of google’s ad revenue thus income was easily translated, with a little imagination, to a pipe, with approximate diameter of two average size US states, pumping money in to google’s accounts at millions of dollars a minute if not seconds. 24/7 365. Trying to comprehend its revenues is like trying to comprehend all sand, all stars, or all living cells. It’s practically impossible for a normal human mind. Their search rank algo running against their own index (storage) of all websites got the most eyeballs soonest. And they have kept ahead of competition across a broad array of verticals by every means possible—buying and building themselves in to every (digital) aspect of our lives. All platforms are ad pushers. But no other has the breadth and reach of The Goog. And ads are of course just one rev $tream in a very diverse portfolio.