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Ecthelion2187 t1_iuhjvfm wrote

A year ago Facebook was under incredible scrutiny for causing increased suicide in teenage girls in the US (via Instagram). Both whistleblower reports and congressional focus.

Zuckerberg, in a panic, did a rebrand and threw a ton of money at a "night before it's due" project called the Metaverse, betting that the tech media will chase that new shiny object and ignore all that bad stuff over there.

In this respect the Metaverse was 100% a success. Even the best tech reporters fell for it hook, line, and sinker. Frances Haugen's name is lost amongst the chaff, and FB properties will continue to damage individuals and society.

And in a few months when the Metaverse project gets shut down due to tightening economic concerns, we'll get a "lol we tried" when in actuality it's already a striking success.