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TonyR600 t1_iuh2xsl wrote

That were my thoughts. What stops me from putting my wooden stick to his head, killing him and claiming it was an accident


ShalmaneserIII t1_iuhounz wrote

> What stops me from putting my wooden stick to his head, killing him and claiming it was an accident

His equally well-armed and armored friends, probably.

These were a bit of a rowdy bunch. Think biker gangs getting riled up and you can imagine how your "oops" is going to get you killed anyhow.


Elcondivido t1_iuhdhuf wrote

I'm sure that something like that could have happened, but is pretty hard to hide the fact that you are pointing your very lon sticks way too high in front of an hundred of people.

Jousting stick are long, you can't really change the direction at the last moment to be sneaky.


mecha_face t1_iuh9up9 wrote

Depending on if you were a commoner or a noble? For a commoner, the fact that killing a noble for any reason was a death sentence. For a noble? Oh no, you damaged someone else's property, pay a fine.


vorpal8 t1_iuhhldq wrote

Commoners didn't get to participate in the first place.