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swistak84 t1_iuhbgia wrote

From wikipedia:

> The Stechzeug in particular developed into extremely heavy armour which completely inhibited the movement of the rider, in its latest forms resembling an armour-shaped cabin integrated into the horse armour more than a functional suit of armour

So yes, late period jousting armour was heavy an impractical for anything other then jousting. It was heavy and stiff enough that either they had to be put onto the horse with help, or had special sets of stairs which they would climb before getting on a horse.

Just to be sure - this is just for a late period jousting armours. Regular armours were not like that.


LeChatVert t1_iuhgd6g wrote

Your first statement was too broad to be accurate. I tend to agree with the "impractical", yet it was specialized apparatus. As for the wiki quote, it doesn't prove the "set of stairs" and is only for a specific région and time.


swistak84 t1_iuhs65j wrote

You claimed that's a myth when there are clear historical examples.

But I've added qualifier to my original statement to make it clear that not all of them were like that.