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UnknownYetSavory t1_iu35k62 wrote

Nah, it's really easy. I had a bad case of depression that left me unable to drive without fear of wrecking, let alone doing anything else, and I gained forty pounds in that time, a course of two years. Lost the weight in about three months. It's really easy. Wealth has nothing to do with it, you even said yourself that you're paying people to select your food for you. It should be of no surprise that selecting the right food for you is not their priority, making money is. Cooking is cheap (the cheapest possible option), it's easy, and you can have absolute control of what you eat.

Want to eat broccoli and mushrooms? Then you cook broccoli and mushrooms. Want to eat a salad with chicken and whatever vegetables you like? Then you make that salad. No preservatives, no added sugars. If you're having a problem finding something to stick to, cut out sugar and starches (bread, rice, etc). That's an easy diet to work around, and it's the one I typically use whenever I want to lose some weight.