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Natural-Bear-1557 t1_iua0q28 wrote

A war of attrition is what you call a meat grinder. You can't have an decisive victory and you your's loose a lot of resources and the other side does too. It really comes down to who can throw more bodies at something also known as a punic victory


Pocok5 t1_iuadvsa wrote


Punic is when you try three times, get flattened and your backyard gets salted.


Supraman83 t1_iuafjkv wrote

>Punic is when you try three times, get flattened and your backyard gets salted.

Okay that made my day


luckygiraffe t1_iua1c93 wrote

If you're interested in a much more substantial delve into WW1 and questions like this, I highly recommend The Great War channel on YouTube