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lsquallhart t1_iuh2b88 wrote

A panic attack is when fight or flight is activated, but there’s no apparent danger. This can be overwhelming because your body is amped up to fight or flee something like a … bear attack … or a car crash

But it ends up being useless and you’re consumed with and overwhelming feeling of dread.

I used to suffer from them and someone told me to “imagine a huge dog on a leash that’s trying to bite you, and it’s right in front of your face, gnarling and gnashing … but even though it looks scary … it can’t hurt you, because it’s at the end of its leash”

I used that mental trick for years until they subsided. I still get them now and again but people don’t even notice it’s happening anymore


mx_ich_ t1_iuhw0vl wrote

I get panic attacks when I wake up in the mornings. I will try your advice.


zenikkal t1_iuhxsh3 wrote

Sometimes and to some people start counting to 5 qnd breathe also can help , we kinda trick our focus on something else more relaxing.


tollthedead t1_iuipada wrote

I would get panic attacks where i would feel like choking because i couldn't breathe deep enough, and then i ended up hyperventilating and feeling worse. I used a trick i found online where you purposefully force yourself to breathe slowly and shallowly and observe that you're not dying or fainting. It works like a charm whenever i get the feeling that this is going to happen


OddlyInspiring t1_iujbj0z wrote

Dealing with a lot of this right now. Really appreciate your advice