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Craig2334 t1_iubgsho wrote

Varies from case to case, usually it’s a multi step process. Initially a bit of logic from the designers/coders (I.e an SMG should have lower long range accuracy and less damage per round than a sniper rifle), some of the balancing refinement is then done via play tests (sometimes in the form of Alpha or Beta test releases). Even then there are typically still things not considered, so final adjustments are made once the game is released by looking at player statistics. Unfortunately it’s a very difficult process without a lot of player data so usually comes down to balance patches after release.


F4L2OYD13 t1_iubjymb wrote

I guess I was wondering if there were just algorithm testing or simulations that get ran 1000x or something to that affect.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_iubo12l wrote

Simulations might be used, but they're of little help because the devs need to balance based off of how players actually play the game.

So for that, they track all sorts of statistics about what characters are used, howe they're used, how effective they are against other characters in general, and specific other characters, and much more.

They take that data and then see if something is too strong, too weak, etc, and try to adjust for fairness.

Or in the case of Riot, they release new characters that are strong so people buy them, then lower the power after.