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panspal t1_iuijuu7 wrote

When I have to chill on the weed I get the worst dreams, it's either floating heads outside my window, spiders, or sleep walking. It'll always start the same, with me falling asleep but the dreams start with me in bed trying to fall asleep and then spooky shit happens. I'll jump out of bed, rip off the blankets looking for spiders and really piss of my girlfriend. At least she knows the difference between awake me and sleep walking me. Because only one of those throws shit around then room looking for the window screen to keep the heads out while accusing her of hiding it. May have called her a bitch.


Beraliusv t1_iuj4cms wrote

Sounds like your psych earns their money, holy shit dude.


__daco_ t1_iujav9j wrote

Nightmares are bad, I'm glad I'm mostly spared, and I don't really know what to say else, maybe apologize to your girl.