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HunterIV4 t1_iujehzz wrote

This isn't entirely true. He was traveling through Russia to South America when his US passport was revoked. He never initially planned to stay in Russia (but yes, has since then become a Russian citizen).

Since then he's been pretty quiet about Russia, sure, but since his life depends on it, it's kind of hard to be all that critical.


GD_American t1_iujf6il wrote

He was dismissive of the chances of Russia invading Ukraine until they, you know....invaded Ukraine. Then he shut up for a bit.

Now he's back, offering very specific criticisms of Western governments and veryyyyyyy vague criticisms of what might be the Russian government.


limpingdba t1_iujg5hv wrote

Its meant more of a turn of phrase than literally. I'm sure he didn't actually run to Russia, but in transit or not, he chose to run from the US authorities and accept political asylum in Russia. I'm sure most would do the same seeing what happened to Assange. Also, I've just read some of his recent tweets and he has somewhat suggested some opposition to the war in a more-obvious-than-id-expect kind of way. Seems like he's in a bad and growingly frustrating position.