Every government has this lack of accountability. Every now and then they'll sack someone that gets called out in the media to save face, then rehire said person to another roll.
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"Who will guard the guards themselves?" Who is going to stop them? When they are already of the highest authority in their country/ in the world.
They can bribe or threaten anyone they need to with their wealth and authority. They can control the media so their crimes do not get exposed. Or shift the blame to someone/ something else.
Laws were supposed to stop these kind of things, but they can just change the law to suit their needs, since the laws are created and controlled by people.
Isn't the question you're asking also part of the problem? You want some external force to impose accountability? How does that work?
Do you see the average American voting sensibly? Do Americans educate themselves on how the world works, understand trade offs, make rational choices between the options available?
There probably are people out there trying to do good even in the political arena? Are you one of them? If you're not, do you try to identify them and support them?
Don't like rich businesspeople - set up a company and run it the way you think companies should be run.
Puzzleheaded-Big1680 t1_ixjs7c4 wrote
In the simplest terms possible: those that are rich are also paying off lawmakers law enforcers. They “grease the wheels” of politics so to speak.