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VelocityDuck t1_iy62tsx wrote

What is called a “A bomb” uses fission (splitting atoms) while an “H Bomb” uses fusion (joining atoms). H bombs generate significantly more power.


As_TheHoursPass t1_iy65dks wrote

The energy needed to initiate fusion is far too large to just have it happen on its own. You can't do it in a bomb, so there's no such thing as a fusion bomb.

Hydrogen (aka thermonuclear) bombs get the energy needed to start the fusion reaction by setting off a fission reaction first, so they're fission-fusion bombs. It's called the Teller-Ulam design, named after the two physicists who came up with it.


VelocityDuck t1_iy6tqno wrote

I guess you missed the part that ELI5 means Explain Like I’m FIVE.


As_TheHoursPass t1_iy6ugr2 wrote

No, no I didn't. This sub isn't literally for 5 year olds.


VelocityDuck t1_iyeam68 wrote

That's right. Which is why it's called Explain LIKE I'm five.

Since you're having trouble with this, I'll try to explain. It means to explain as if you were explaining it to a five year old. You know, keeping it very simple.