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LindenSpruce OP t1_ixoueba wrote

Why that almost seems worse.

So I guess my question is, does adrenaline increase focus, and if so, is its "benefit" lessened by the effects of alcohol?


constantino675 t1_ixoxtyh wrote

keep in mind, intoxicated people are easily influenced. that includes overestimating their own sobriety.

So they think "OMG that sobered me up", when in fact, their reflexes and judgement are just as bad, they just convinced themselves that they werent.

Though to some extent, you can "lean into" being drunk if you want, or lean out.


paceyhitman t1_ixp224v wrote

So you're telling me that I don't actually sound like Frank Sinatra on the karaoke after a few beers?


CronkleDonker t1_ixoylup wrote

According to the previous answer, I would say yes and yes.

Adrenaline puts you into "go" mode, but being drunk still means you will be dizzy and numb.

It would be like taking panadol to deal with heartburn/acid reflux.