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FellowConspirator t1_iyd0hx8 wrote

It depends.

A company may offer different classes of shares, so not all shares are 1 vote per share. A person with 75% of the shares could conceivably have less than 50% of the vote (or they could have more than 75%).

Let's just assume the question means to ask if a single person had a majority of the votes, could the be removed from the board? They could certainly resign of their own accord. Also, if they committed some sort of criminal act that prohibits them from serving on the board, they would be removed (though this isn't really removing the person so much as the law mandating it). Otherwise, there's not much else that can be done other than try to talk the individual into selling their shares / resigning.

That said, different countries have special laws about owning large portions of publicly traded companies that complicate matters.