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HecticHermes t1_ixv95jw wrote

I haven't seen anyone point out the obvious so here goes .

You are referring to data stores specifically on a computer or device. Others did a good job answering that question so I won't rehash.

What I want to point out is your use of the word data. Data is simply a collection of information. It can be on a computer, on paper. Or in your mind. It does take up both physical and virtual space. It can be word on paper, 1s and 0s on a machine, or neurons in your brain.

What takes up physical space is the symbols we use to represent data. "John Doe lives on 123 Anystreet USA" is the physical characters that make up the set of data. By "virtual space" I am referring to the implications that come with the data. With that information, you know know how to get to John Does house, even though the data doesn't explicitly spell it out.

Tldr: data is the physical representation of a symbol, thought, or idea that occupies space in the physical world and carries certain implications for meaning.