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voidentityofspace t1_iy50mqf wrote

this is a terrible explanation, telescopes pick up audio now apparently, and they are powerful enough to look at a 6 inch watch face. instead of just regurgitating a textbook paragraph, try to actually explain it like they’re 5. do better.


Rcomian t1_iy51gew wrote

thanks you for your feedback.

yes, telescopes can pick up and recover sound by registering the distortion on objects in the room. this used to be done with lasers but even that isn't necessary now.

and you might notice that i said in reality we couldn't have a telescope that did that, but we could communicate and see the effect in other ways. like flashing lights at each other.

that's kind of important. we can imagine what we would see, and describe the effects, without worrying about what the physical limitations are. visualising the situation can help with understanding.

my point was that our experience of time doesn't change, but the time we see pass for others does.

I'm sorry if you found the explanation confusing, however.