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PoLoMoTo t1_j24z9ee wrote

I have no doubt that would work but I would be curious as to the longevity of that. Also if it was a high mileage battery or some fluke internal failure, and what percentage of the cells they actually replaced. I'll have to try to find the story sometime.


greatvaluemeeseeks t1_j25e83m wrote

A few companies do this with Prius batteries and sell them as refurbished batteries. The cells aren't too hard to disassemble and a dead cell is pretty easy to isolate. A refurbished battery is much cheaper than a brand new one from Toyota, but the batteries don't last very long before another cell eventually dies since they probably have 150k+ miles on them and Toyota, in my opinion, provided inadequate cooling for them and should have told consumers the battery's cooling system required regular maintenance.


Lyrle t1_j26gnwi wrote

Rich Rebuilds had an episode like this. The car featured there was not very old.