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Lithuim t1_j28pa8x wrote

Bananas are fairly easy to cultivate in tropical climates, so large plantations have sprung up in Central America, Africa, and East Asia.

They can be grown year-round, and are fairly productive plants that start popping out bananas rapidly - you don’t have to wait years and years like many other fruit-bearing trees.

A lot of other fruits are seasonal, slow growing, or difficult to cultivate outside of their native range.

There are downsides though - banana farming is labor intensive and the plants are highly susceptible to some infections because they’re all clones.


The_RealKeyserSoze t1_j29mkol wrote

In addition to this bananas have thick skin ideal for shipping without damage and its easy to stop ripening with cold temperatures and then speed it up with ethylene. Apples have a similar advantage, and are generally treated with 1-MCP to stop ripening and extend shelf life for months.