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EvenSpoonier t1_j2aei92 wrote

CEOs can't put people in prison, and generally show some sense of accountability: only to their shareholders, perhaps, but that's better than most politicians. Less corrupting power, more accountability to kwep them relatively honest; why wouldn't they be seen as more trustworthy? They have more checks against their power.


sportsDude t1_j2aen8a wrote

People think conspiracy theories and government. Plus lots of government bureaucrat that costs people time and money. But they see CEOs as delivering the goods??


Chaotic_Lemming t1_j2aeus5 wrote

> as opposed to a CEO, who is money-driven.

Have you learned anything about the majority of modern politicians?

I don't know about the survey you are referencing, but I don't know anyone that trusts CEOs more than gov officials. Most that I know don't really trust either, but do tend to be more respecting of government institutions.

Personally, I'm not trusting of either anymore. Too many bad decisions and willingness to cater to political expedience. Or corrupt actions that aren't even really trying to hide the shiftiness anymore.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j2afr74 wrote

Slightly wrong way to think about it they don't trust CEOs more they trust government officers less. Politicians in America are regarded as greedy selfish bribe taking individuals who care nothing for the public.


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GarthStaniar t1_j2ag68f wrote

Politics is such a polarizing and popular topic in the US now, it’s a lot of what you hear about.

Generally though, there is a ton of criticism of CEOs, especially those in charge of large companies. How workers are mistreated, how they don’t pay a fair share of taxes, how they could “solve” hunger with just a portion of their companies revenue.

I’m not expressing any position on any of those points, but I do see a ton of it. I don’t think generally Americans really “trust” CEOs.

Since it’s a country with a lot of entrepreneurial spirit, American dream, etc. you might see more support for CEOs here than other places.