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ZLVe96 t1_j1t20ir wrote

Most Christmas traditions are based in Pagan roots. Yule logs, holly, mistle toe, feasts, winter solstice... nothing to do with jc, and everything to do with super old school traditions.,


WhatsTheCockCookin t1_j1t973p wrote

Also getting high as shit


wristlockcutter t1_j1tayx1 wrote

Off Amanita muscaria?


WhatsTheCockCookin t1_j1tcm8i wrote

Yesssssssssir. That’s where the red/white color scheme originated, they’re also the “presents under the tree”, commonly found under firns and wintergreens. The shaman or saint who we’ve generalized as “Santa claus” would feed them to his reindeer to neutralize the toxins through their piss, then while drinking it it seem like they began to fly as he gets higher. Not to mention the “elves” that he’d meet during this intoxication, who’d give him metaphorical “gifts” to bring back to whoever it was that he was helping. They were witch-doctors after all, and they essentially heal mental health issues by asking someone what was wrong, and then tripping about it before coming back and telling them what they thought they should do. Then they ride off into the snowy night on a sled pulled by reindeer, which may also look like it’s flying in the dead of night while it’s snowing on the oh-so-magical Winter Solstice celebration and the locals are loaded up on wine and ale. Santa is real baby, just not in the way we’ve been taught.

Of course there are a few problems with telling people you know what’s best for them, including the growth of organized religion, but hey now you know where we get some of our Christmas symbolism :)
