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TheZerbio t1_j2f1u56 wrote

While most comments have a rough idea, I am gonna try to make it easier to understand. You might have already heard that the price of a product is dependent on its supply and the demand for this product. Let's take the recent hike in Food prices as an example. Especially if you are in Europe you will have experienced a price explosion for Everything made from flour and sunflower seed oil. That's because most of it came from Ukraine. Before the invasion Ukraine was a poor countries. Not as bad as some African Countries but compared to the EU or US still poor. But they had a lot of area to plant wheat and sunflowers. So there was a lot of supply in the country pushing prices down for Ukrainians. Then Supermarkets in Germany for example realised that the sunflower oil out of Ukraine is way cheaper then the one made in Germany. So they decide to import massive amounts of it from ukraine. Of course shipping something costs money as well so the price in Germany was higher then in Ukraine for the same oil. At the same time Germany is a waaaaay richer country then Ukraine so the people there have more money to spend. So even if the oil is more expensive then the oil in Ukraine, it's still a steal compared to locally produced oil. So people will happily pay the higher price for the Ukraine oil.