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HerbertWigglesworth t1_j289lv6 wrote

Banning things generally doesn’t go down particularly well, especially when Islam is a complicated belief system with varying degrees of interpretation and application across the globe.

There are 1.4 billion or so Muslims, all with varying degrees of faith, views on scripture, ideological beliefs outside of Islam etc.

You’d be basically white washing 20% of the global population in absolute, without a reason that would satisfy each individual.

Laws already exist that are not compatible with Islam and vice versa, does not matter whether Islam claims one thing - if the laws of the state are properly imposed, Islam will not be able to circumvent them openly, nor it’s adherents without risk of persecution.

Risk of persecution via law is essentially what we as a society have as a mechanism for attempting to translate logic, feeling and reason into rules and regulations. People can still try to ignore these if they so wish, nothing to stop them attempting to - regardless of faith.