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TJDG t1_j1wb0te wrote

Because being choked is not just about restricting airflow, it is about restricting bloodflow.

Choking someone blocks the arteries that feed blood to their brain, and this is the mechanism that causes them to pass out.


Vprbite t1_j1xrlr8 wrote

Yep. I'm a paramedic and the same happens if your blood pressure drops (due to medication or other reasons)


RyanXastron t1_j1ybbtk wrote

Well bloodflow is actually airflow in a deeper sense. It needs to get air(oxygen) to your brain for you not to pass out. LoL Edit: it's clearly a joke, why so much dislike 😅


ADDeviant-again t1_j208sus wrote

Yes and no, but only as it applies to chokes. Spiking intra-cranial puts you out before the lack of oxygen could.