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doterobcn t1_j1vdo1l wrote

There is no scientific evidence or logical proof that the concept of a "soul" exists. The concept of a soul is a belief that comes from various religious and philosophical traditions. Some people believe in the existence of a soul because they find it personally meaningful or because it provides them with a sense of purpose or comfort. Others may reject the idea of a soul because they do not find it to be scientifically or logically plausible. Ultimately, whether or not someone believes in the existence of a soul is a matter of personal belief and faith, and it is not something that can be proven or disproven through scientific or logical means.


explainlikeimfive-ModTeam t1_j1ve7de wrote

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Flair_Helper t1_j1ve7za wrote

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Antithesys t1_j1ve80a wrote

We don't know we have souls, and there is no reason to think that anything like a "soul" exists, except in that there are some qualities often ascribed to souls that are part of the mind or personality. Those qualities are entirely dependent on the physical brain, can be changed through physical means, and end with the death of the brain.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j1ve8xv wrote

We don't know we have souls, there is zero evidence for the existence of a soul and there have numerous investigations into finding it including weighing a body before and after death to see if a soul leaving the body makes it lighter.


clocks212 t1_j1vec9v wrote

There is no scientific evidence for anything occurring in any living creature besides plain old chemical reactions. Memories, consciousness, free will, all a result of an outrageously complex blob of cells sending signals to each other.

The concept of a soul is a religious one, and therefore doesn’t “need” science to confirm or deny its existence.


Puppies-B-Tasty t1_j1ved54 wrote

It’s difficult to comprehend consciousness and willpower. So we define things we don’t understand with concepts that are more fluid subjective.

A “soul” is more than likely just a method that we have developed to understand individuality and the “self”. But like most things, the more educated you are the less you need to rely on faith and religion.