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[deleted] t1_j2ett16 wrote



breckenridgeback t1_j2eusj3 wrote

> Catholicism is a branch of Christianity. Used to be the only one until the Protestant Reform. The original split was between Catholicism and the Eastern Orthodox church. Protestants then split from Catholics later on.


asthraena t1_j2evpfi wrote

Catholics don't pray to saints - they only pray to God. They do, however, believe in the power of intercessions and that's what they ask of the saints (e.g. St ..., pray for us; Mother Mary, pray for us).


tarrt t1_j2evgh5 wrote

It seems worth mentioning that a big part of the Protestant Reformation was the removal of the Deuterocanonical books. As a result, Catholics consider these books part of the Old Testament but Protestant Christians (the type of Christian I think most people mean when they are considering Catholics as distinct from Christians) do not. Source: