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Budders66 t1_j6onwmo wrote

For the longest time there's been secret military tests there and people are nosy to see what's going on there.


bear4bunny t1_j6ooinh wrote

Yeah basically just this. I couldn't care less what's in there but because it's super secret, I need to know.


NdavG100 OP t1_j6op31l wrote

Yes but its soooo unpatriotic to try to publicise every secret government test. I live in a country sorounded by hostile foreign militaries and you dont see them flying around government buildings snooping around so let alone citizens of the country! Absolutely insane!!!


maveric_gamer t1_j6orn8j wrote

Our country was literally founded by telling the extant government to go fuck themselves, being distrustful of the government is as patriotic to an American as you can get.


Lithuim t1_j6ops8y wrote

Americans have a long standing distrust of authority and government, including their own.


GStarG t1_j6os8c8 wrote

If you took a look at the numerous government projects in the US that were officially revealed from the freedom of information act where they secretly experimented on civilians in all sorts of inhuman and permanently damaging ways (some ending with many deaths) you'd probably change your stance on that...


Biom4st3r t1_j6owq50 wrote

If we're going to use patriotism as a metric: It's also unpatriotic to let those in charge of you go unchecked and potentially tarnish the reputation of the US. We have the right and duty to poke, prod, and ask why they do things and what they are doing.


The-Wylds t1_j6osqw1 wrote

You’re right you don’t. Or maybe you do. Spies are spies because they don’t get noticed.


syds t1_j6ovcmm wrote

secrets dont care about country lines