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The_Dotted_Leg t1_j6oognu wrote

If you had a room in your home that you were never allowed to see inside but you know millions of dollars a year are being spent in that room and rumors say they might have aliens in that room wouldn’t you be pretty obsessed with seeing inside?


GenXCub t1_j6ooqv3 wrote

This is why the Internet Historian video on Area 51 is so great.

It's half informative, half meme-tastic.

The best headcanon is that the Wii Sports theme is playing when you're running through the secret building there.


tangential_quip t1_j6orzwq wrote

Also add that, while you know the room is there and you can see the door to the room, the people keeping you out deny for half a century or more that the room even exists.


NdavG100 OP t1_j6opnqq wrote

Would i want to know whats going on in secret government facilities? Yes. Would i go with drones and shit and spread conspiracy thories? Never


BossDonkeyZ t1_j6oq3ka wrote

Why not? There is lots of money in the second part


PedroEglasias t1_j6p4ffj wrote

Being 100% positive all the theories are false is the same as being 100% positive they're all true. Without evidence you can't be certain of anything.