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Arbitrary_Capricious t1_j6or2sg wrote

Because the government is so determined to keep it secret. Not just legitimately secret tests, but things like refusing to confirm the base exists (when it's easily visible from a number of publicly accessible vantage points). When the government acts like that, people are driven by a combination of curiosity, paranoia, and well, basically trolling, to find out what's there. Honestly, if they'd just said what everyone knew--we test secret planes out there, please stay away or we will take action--they'd probably have less of a problem. But when the response to "What are you doing at that base?" Is "What base?" when it is obvious that there is. In fact, a base then you're pretty much inviting conspiracy theories.


Imthewienerdog t1_j6ouzmx wrote

I thought it was kind of common knowledge that this site is more of a red herring. Yes they do some testing there and have a bunch of lab Bois working there but nothing super secret is actually there because it's where everyone thinks secret stuff is?


jrhawk42 t1_j6oxyzx wrote

Unless it's something they can't/won't move.

The fun of area 51 is that you can literally let your imagination run wild because so little is known about it, and nothing can be denied.


Supraman83 t1_j6p2vjb wrote

Pretty sure the site was used to test skunkworks projects during the cold war