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epic1107 t1_j6ikpy3 wrote

I've been on close to 40 flights in the last 5 years, and I can't remember a single one with standard 3.5mm. All had the two pin connectors.

I was flying mostly in the SEA and Middle Eastern regions, so maybe that's the reason?


dozure t1_j6imzq0 wrote

I fly a little more than you, mostly US domestic, mostly Delta. Had no idea what this post was about, only ever seen 3.5mm jacks. So yeah, maybe its a regional thing.


fatbunyip t1_j6ir5b4 wrote

I've flown fairly new 777s, A380s and smaller airbuses (a320 maybe?) And they all had double jack thingies.

They were full service international flights though so maybe that's why?

Domestic shorthaul budget flights have been single jack though.

Wasn't in US either, so maybe it's region/airline dependent


zydeco100 t1_j6jd2se wrote

My theory is that they can hand out the nice headphones in business/first and they won't be stolen as much. There's nothing else to plug them into.

Economy class gets the cheap thin earbuds on a single jack and they don't bother to gather them back now. They're disposable.