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collegiateofzed t1_j6mofhf wrote

Pinapple enzyme."bromelain"

While you're trying to eat it the pinapple is trying to eat you.

We're just an insane organism with litteral hydrocloric acid in our stomach which denatures the enzyme.

What little bromelain stays in your mouth really isn't sufficient to cause significant damage to such a huge biomass.

And what superficial damage occurs, our bodies EASILY regenerate.


Representative_Art96 t1_j6p1j2o wrote

If I ate an entire pineapple every single day how long would take before actual damage starts being done?


collegiateofzed t1_j6p2ve3 wrote

I'm not convinced it ever would. Not a scientist... but...

But striking a match a day will never boil a cup of water. Doesn't matter how many days you do it.

The water returns to ambient temperature, and the previous match had no effect.


SenorFuegoGato t1_j6pctt7 wrote

There's even a cream made of Bromelain which is used to treat burn victims in hospital. It eats up all the dead tissue so the burns can start to heal.


collegiateofzed t1_j6pdb4n wrote

That's f-ing AWESOME!

But that sounds incredibly painful.


panponcz t1_j6pet0y wrote

Actually it was used on me a couple years ago, and they gave me morphine and something else to numb the pain so it was just a little bit itchy. Afterwards the wound wasn't really painful, It was just uncomfortable to have this fresh skin stretching, but i have rather high pain tolerance.


SenorFuegoGato t1_j6pe0n6 wrote

It's amazing! They give pretty strong anaesthesia alongside but it's still not the most comfortable