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GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hv0r3 wrote

You see this with Putin and Trump. They play the part of ‘industry leader’ by never using opponents real names. This of course only makes them look insecure and frightened.


WeDriftEternal t1_j5hv7kc wrote

I don't think this is at all a good comparison. Politics and especially highly unusual people such as the ones you mentioned don't necessarily follow the same rules as generic branding and advertising concepts


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hwplq wrote

Which is why I said it made them look silly. Trump and Putin are marketers. But the political product is different from soap and cars.


WeDriftEternal t1_j5hwrkp wrote

No. Its just a bad comparison that should not be used.


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5hycr5 wrote

Ok. Noted.

Anyhow, to expand in Trump and Putin’s practice if never properly identifying or acknowledging political foes…


Deanisgawd t1_j5j7h6a wrote

Trump wouldn’t stop talking about his opponents. This is a terrible example.


GoodGoodGoody t1_j5l5f81 wrote

But seldom by name. Always by his own nicknames for them.