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Iamapartofthisworld t1_j5hzbub wrote


grumblyoldman t1_j5i9cuw wrote

Now I kinda want to tour a Michelob brewery to see how it's made. But at the same time, I think that might be a bad idea.


aegroti t1_j5jadj4 wrote

They give out tours as you're the secret ingredient.


HalfManHalfManatee t1_j5jst97 wrote

The tours are free and easy to take. But do you know anyone who's come back from one to tell you about it? Nope me neither.


Aldeobald t1_j5kleep wrote

Cannibal juice. And barley


Alternative-Sea-6238 t1_j5lvu1e wrote

Why not enjoy the experience of a great tasting beer without the hangover the next day? Why not savour the refreshing and crisp malt barley flavour as much as you want without worrying about having to get a taxi home? Michelob. Awesome beer. Alcohol free. (Warning, not suitable for vegetarians or people with haemochromatosis).