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velos85 t1_j5japem wrote

"Leading Brand" is ever-evolving, and some people will see the leading brand as something different.

Naming a brand specifically means you are stuck with a concrete reference point.

In your example of Miller Lite, if I don't like Michelob, comparing something to it isn't going to do anything for me. But comparing it to the 'leading brand' means you might be better than my preferred brand.


im_the_real_dad t1_j5yxh4u wrote

I first became aware of advertising on TV in the 1960s. I remember ads for laundry detergent, for example, that had a box with the lettering "Brand X", but the colors and designs were clearly a box of Tide. I was so clever because I saw through their shenanigans and recognized the box of Tide my mom used.