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KitsuneRisu t1_j6fa2o7 wrote

Unfortunately your question is based on a faulty understanding.

As far as we know, scientifically, the 4th spatial dimension has NOT been proven to exist. The thought experiment that you describe is based on a supposition / assumption of what it would be like IF a 4th spatial dimension DOES exist, but is not itself proof of the dimension existing.

In fact, that very thought experiment answers your question - a 2 dimensional being cannot percieve a 3 dimensional shape more than 'slices of it' as it passes through their lives. A 3D being will similarly not be able to percieve a 4D object except for 'slices of it' as it passes through time in our plane of existance. We cannot see something that we cannot see.

However, why has the 4th Dimension not yet been proven? Well, if it does exist, tl;dr then we would be able to see these 'slices' occuring. Scientists have noted that in tests and particle tests, no matter from our world 'leaks' into any other dimension.

For a much longer but much more detailed explanation, you can read up here: