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SirReal_Realities t1_j6her10 wrote

Why are you taking medication? Is it prescribed? Who prescribed it? Why did they prescribe it?

Ex: A physician might have prescribed an antidepressant for you after having a baby because they felt you had postpartum depression.

Ex: A pediatrician might have prescribed you medication because your parents gave them information that suggested it would help you; are you just taking it because you “always have taken them”?

If you are taking meds, and know why you are taking them, then you need to talk to a psychiatrist (not a psychologist or therapist) about why you are taking them and are they the best treatment.

If you are taking meds and you don’t know why, and are a grown up and in charge of your own healthcare, then you should ask your current physician what they are for, and should you continue them? What happens if you stop? How can you safely stop taking them if you BOTH think it is a good idea?