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Ansuz07 t1_j6cr024 wrote

Their DNA is identical. This means that anything that is exclusivly influenced by DNA will be the same.

However, there are a lot of things that are influenced by environmental factors. Fingerprints are a good example - identical twins will not have identical fingerprints because fingerprints develop based on environmental stimuli during development. Same with "naughty bits" as this is impacted by diet and exercise.


DavidRFZ t1_j6ctdoh wrote

So, are there parents on identical twins out there?

Is it obvious how to tell the two babies apart? Are birthmarks in different places easily visible?

I mean infants don’t do much for the first few months so I can imagine a case where they don’t bother trying to figure out which is which for a while. But I never hear a story like that. Parents are absolutely certain which kid came out first. How do they do it?


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j6cr5kb wrote

A look at what is going on when either one or two eggs (monozygotic or dizygotic) are fertilized during the same pregnancy how this can result in conjoined twins or even a chimera. Also taking a look at the factors which may influence dizygotic twins and what is going on inside the womb.