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AmisThysia t1_j63cnck wrote

That is also not exactly what happened, though, is it? It's not known if Bin Laden and Al Qaeda leaders were even in Afghanistan at the time; many of them very quickly fled to Pakistan, for example. Even if they were in Afghanistan, the tribal areas where they would be hiding are a bit of a political and cultural quagmire in themselves. And Pakistan is, after all, where Bin Laden was eventually found.

While it is extremely likely some members of the Taliban regularly did withhold information, acting as if extradition was this simple little thing that simply "did not happen" is... misleading and jingoistic, at the very least.

The invasion and subsequent lengthy occupation was (and still is, by consequences) an extremely complex geopolitical event with an abundance of nuance, and the vast majority of the pertinent information is likely never going to be publicly known.