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Hawke-Not-Ewe t1_ja16v28 wrote

Reply to comment by jk0187 in [Homemade] Deviled Eggs! by carnitascronch

I'm fairly certain you are not the OP. Why are you answering and down voting all my comments?


jk0187 t1_ja19wui wrote

Because you asked a question literally anyone with eyes could answer and now you are arguing with a stranger online about deviled eggs. I dont understand the point of you linking all of them when they literally all look the exact same as OP's. He just put chives on top. Ill stop replying now so you can get on with your life.


Hawke-Not-Ewe t1_ja1ahyy wrote

Literally no.

I used to cook for a living. There's a decent variety of spices that will produce similar coloring without getting into the vagaries of food does, differences in mayo, difference in coloring of food over just a couple hours.

And you Do Not KNOW what's in them because you didn't make them. The OP hasn't said what's in them. You are guessing.