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TossingToddlerz t1_j91fwjc wrote

Where's the pic after you put it on a plate with paper towels?


RealConcorrd t1_j932oi3 wrote

Gone, dog got to it.


JDBCool t1_j93u3wv wrote

Dog knows what's up.

Hence why they got to it first.

Dog has had enough of "Owner using weird black brick that flashes light over the food". So they took the towel first, hoping that "Big human would pay attention to me and give me grub"


Urc0mp t1_j91epac wrote

People be bitching but you can absolutely have cooked but still a bit chewy bacon like this and now you’ve got a sheet pan with glorious bacon fat to roast some veg in later.


OldKermudgeon t1_j91mivn wrote

This is the best way to prepare a lot of bacon at the same time, and the rendered bacon fat will be clear and be saved for later (roasted veg and potatoes, soup add-in, searing steak/pork, etc.).



reachouttouchFate t1_j94fc8z wrote

Doesn't the splatter hit the oven iron and inside top area? How do you clean those, especially the heating element so it doesn't send cleaning product fumes everywhere next time you turn the oven on?


susieq15 t1_j94r9nj wrote

It doesn’t splatter in the oven unless you are cooking it to high. I haven’t seen an oven in years that isn’t self cleaning but you can always wipe it out with wet paper towels when it is room temperature and get an oven pretty clean.


PryomancerMTGA t1_j91jrf0 wrote

Finally, someone that thinks like me. That is pure flavor.


tempo1139 t1_j934aeg wrote

there was an old Australian film with Sam Niel and Judy Davis... 'Children Of The Revolution" (great film). At one point a bunch of prisoners go on a hunger strike. To break the strike the guards got a bbq, started sizzling bacon with fans blowing through the place to carry the odour. The strike soon ended lol


MrPeppers123 t1_j92l2mr wrote

I only cook bacon in the oven now. Half the time I cook bacon is just for the fat for other cooking purposes and this method is beautiful for it


GrinderMonkey t1_j92rk5m wrote

Ugh. Tater tots from the frozen aisle 'baked' in bacon grease next to a bacon blue cheese smash burger is my weakness.


ricecilantrolime t1_j92t90u wrote

Wtf I never thought to do the veg on the same pan later…gsme changing


ailish t1_j935co2 wrote

When the grease is foamy like this the bacon is perfect. Crispy, but not burnt.


w4ffl3 t1_j92btth wrote

I cook my bacon in the air fryer nowadays in no small part because it's easy to recover the fat for later cooking.


darnspace t1_j91h2wi wrote

Pro tip: use parchment instead of foil.

Bacon can stick to foil. If you have a piece of parchment just a little bigger than the pan, not only is it nonstick, you can pour off the grease and throw it right into the trash without getting the pan dirty.


Lars9 t1_j91q1e4 wrote

Or just crinkle up the foil before putting it on the pan and it won't stick.


7chp t1_j91pmum wrote

Pour into a container to be used later to fry up veggies or the likes. Pure flavor, makes things taste better.


darnspace t1_j91tqvp wrote

Agree. Always save bacon grease. It's good for so many things. We use it mostly for eggs and pancakes if you can believe it. And never ever pour it down the drain.


smltor t1_j92ed9l wrote

In Norway (when I lived there anyway, Kristiansand, late 80's) bacon pancakes were pretty much a weekly dinner.

Slightly thicker than normal pancake cooked in bacon grease and with a couple strips of bacon added just after the pancake mix is dropped to the pan.

My in law family in Poland like it when I make it so it must cross boundaries (and Poland has even better bacon!).

Adding syltetoy (sour jam) is just a bonus in my books. Salty, Sweet and sour eggs and flour!


CrossXFir3 t1_j91rjbx wrote

But my poor heart


Minqua t1_j91wakw wrote

Here for a good time not a long time


Elmodogg t1_j92cpzy wrote

Just don't have it every day (or every week) and you'll be good. As a once in a while treat, bacon is fine.


CrossXFir3 t1_j9c6yci wrote

Yeah, but then saving the lard and cooking my veggies in it? That's hardly just once.


Burgoonius t1_j91x5zi wrote

Nah I’ve used parchment and it is a bitch to handle. Potential for bacon grease spilling over onto the pan is high


zdada t1_j924fpj wrote

I use parchment, the trick is to go longer than the baking sheet and fold a crease length wise. No stick, grease won’t flow over the paper, and you can use the crease to guide the grease into a mason jar. No mess.


thesteveurkel t1_j943csq wrote

i use my silpat and add some water to the sheet tray (like a tablespoon or two). the steam helps keep the bacon tender, but the fat also reacts to the steam and it becomes wonderfully lacey and crisp around the edges.

i saw ethan chlebowski (youtube cook) do it once and decided to try it. now i can't turn back!


v3sk t1_j929q4e wrote

I don't like the way the fat soaks into the parchment, I feel like I'm throwing a ton out into the trash.


glyneth t1_j93s77d wrote

Or use non-stick aluminum foil!


bryan_pieces t1_j93xgwx wrote

If you want forevee chemicals combined with your bacon


130designs t1_j95yfob wrote

Throw in the trash?!?!?! Save that glorious fat for sautéing.


Lucreszen t1_j91hprb wrote

If the bacon is foamy, that means it's done, homey.


josh35767 t1_j91c31c wrote

“Homemade”: AKA “I put bacon on a tray and put it in the oven”


AnustusGloop t1_j91o1yv wrote

Yes. That's what cooking is.


152centimetres t1_j93eqly wrote

"its homemade soup!! i poured it out of the can and microwaved it all by myself!!"


midtnrn t1_j91h8fa wrote

I can smell this picture.


DJStillAlive t1_j9228er wrote

Since there are a bunch of conflicting recommendations in this thread, here is a link to Kenji, who has tried the various oven methods and outlines the results, with the pros and cons of each.


Skysis t1_j918lhh wrote

Looks good. How different is baked bacon vs fried?


Neat-Plantain-7500 t1_j91f5lr wrote

Baked in an oven is the only way to do it. 375f for 15-18 depending on crispiness.

And no splatter mess on the counter


invent_or_die t1_j91rm29 wrote

And it stays flat. Also, use cooling racks on the sheet to keep the bacon from sitting in grease.


glyneth t1_j93sekd wrote

We do 400F for 15, flip the bacon, and then back in for a long as needed to crisp up. Also start with a cold over to better render the fat!


ninjacereal t1_j91y2po wrote

I've never owned a Microwave until we bought a house last year, I always did bacon in the oven.

The microwave is just better.


WantedDadorAlive t1_j92hcal wrote

The what is just what???


ninjacereal t1_j92hn29 wrote

I said it. Microwaved bacon > Oven Baked > Air Fried > Pan Fried


Les-Freres-Heureux t1_j932ky8 wrote

I cant imagine bacon coming out of the microwave not still being raw


StabYourBloodIntoMe t1_j93jan6 wrote

It comes out fine if you want a couple pieces at a time and mic it long enough. A fucking waste of time though. Just slam a pound or two in the oven and use the microwave to reheat for a few seconds the next day.


glyneth t1_j93sikr wrote

Oven bacon was really good back when microwave ovens were huge and we could put a bacon rack in there. They’re now too small imo to do it well.


ninjacereal t1_j93xkdh wrote

It takes 3.5 minutes to have crispy microwave bacon, I do it ad hoc now (vs when I would oven bake two sheet pans to have cooked bacon for the week)


v3sk t1_j92absw wrote

It is the gold standard for me. It's bake-on, after all. A pan is convenient if you're just doing a strip or two but the oven is so fucking consistent and does as much as you want with no real effort.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j91aty9 wrote

Baked bacon is awesome but you need to cook it on a rack so it's not stewing in it's own juices. Will not get crispy this way.


ownlife909 t1_j91gf3a wrote

It’s not stewing in its own juices. That’s rendered fat, it is frying in its own fat. That’s the ultimate way to get it crispy, if that’s what you want.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j91looi wrote

Alright, I concede I misspoke but have you ever tried it on a rack? I have always got a crispier bacon on rack vs pan. Plus the added benefit of not being saturated in fat. If that's what you want.


ownlife909 t1_j9211gh wrote

My ideal bacon isn’t crispy. I prefer it to be fully rendered but have a little chew, and cooking in the fat is essential for that. Plus cleaning the rack sucks. But to each their own- not saying your way of doing it is wrong, I was just pointing out the juices vs fat difference.


koalasarentferfuckin t1_j92g9lh wrote

I'm with you actually but my wife loves crispy bacon so that's what we make. And I just dishwasher the rack which will probably garner even more downvotes.


StabYourBloodIntoMe t1_j93jolj wrote

Wanna really change your world? Sous vide the bacon at 147F for 12 hours and then bake in the oven. Stupid overkill but my god is it good slightly under-crispy.


glyneth t1_j93spyn wrote

I found the rack made the bacon too chewy. Not a fan.


badfish420km t1_j91jvph wrote

Lies! It's frying in its fat, not its juices. This is the best method for getting the crispiest of bacons.


glyneth t1_j93so4e wrote

Untrue!! You just need to flip it and maybe rotate it, depending on cold spots in the oven. Husband and I cook it on non-stick aluminum foil like this every weekend.


LynxKuroneko t1_j91ynqn wrote

Damn. Imagine bacon being worthy of a post. 🤣


T_Kt t1_j91l5js wrote

You shared with your hungry friend in the background right?!


152centimetres t1_j93emud wrote

unless you cut the pig theres no way this can be considered homemade

its like putting a can of soup in a bowl and saying its homemade


houseofcrouse t1_j93r1o5 wrote

Way to bake it. Only acceptable way


Br4veSirRobin t1_j94jhzg wrote

Cold oven also. Put bacon in THEN turn on the oven. So flat and perfect. Doing in tomorrow AM for my lovelies.


josheyua t1_j943lc4 wrote

Lol @ the dog


Atlars t1_j91xyqs wrote

Homemade as in you baked it?


itsme198l t1_j91zh74 wrote

i love bacon this way


bigsnack4u t1_j922274 wrote

That dog is outside his mind. Does he ever get anything you post?


milesbeats t1_j92497z wrote

This is the best way to cook all that bacon to the exact same consistency.


ex_oh t1_j926r0e wrote

Oven bacon for the win. Some kinds of bacon don't work great though for some reason, I'm still trying to figure it out. Not necessarily thick or thin cuts, just different brands.


MindfulBT t1_j92g2wk wrote

I recommend using a baking sheet lined with foil then setting a slotted tray on top. Once the slotted tray is placed down on top of the baking sheet, you place the bacon on it and bake it to your preference. After it’s cooked, all the fat falls from the bacon onto the baking sheet and you have much less greasy bacon.


windsofchange61 t1_j92gxnn wrote

When you say hot bacon - what is the alternative? I am from the UK and things sometimes get lost in translation so apologies. Also, you might find you get a crisper product if you cook it in smaller batches.


Turtleramem OP t1_j92irbw wrote

Cold bacon


windsofchange61 t1_j9q3jgi wrote

Bacon is most usually eaten hot in the UK. It can be added crispy and cold to salads or to garnish a beef burger but it is most commonly eaten, cooked for breakfast. Hence my confusion.


dearmax t1_j92jy0w wrote

This is the kind of pr0n I was hoping for.


ogara1993 t1_j92n6kf wrote

Dog looking like 👀


GlassAmazing4219 t1_j92p3lq wrote

I like that OP wrote “[Homemade]”… the implication being that there is a restaurant out there that serves whole sheet pans of bacon straight from the oven. Why is no one doing this?


__System__ t1_j92pqaj wrote

ok ok ok I'll get some parchment. Good boy in the background. 😅


Chair_Toaster t1_j92wf27 wrote

Looks like that shit tier streaky bacon.


BernieManhanders23 t1_j93bdbu wrote

Hot as in spicy or hot as in...cooked...and now hot...?


Skalite4 t1_j93d7m0 wrote

Get a better result with Butcher paper instead of aluminum foil.


JWOLFBEARD t1_j93k8s3 wrote

I miss when bacon was a reasonable price at the grocery store


Sighwtfman t1_j93u18k wrote

Best way to cook bacon is in the oven.

Only way to do it better is maybe add some water to the sheet before starting (which for all I know OP did).

Love the crispness too. If I'm not mistaken that will be crispy without being 'burnt'. Which is how I like it.


realMehffort t1_j95hooe wrote

Always updoot 🥓. I like bacon


needaburnerbaby t1_j95mbp2 wrote

If you use parchment paper instead of tin foil it doesn’t stick as much


SteaknBake32 t1_j91v269 wrote

My dog can't resist the bacon either


Slowcow7 t1_j91zo02 wrote

I've heard this called "Church Bacon". The idea was you'd put your bacon into the oven on a baking sheet at a lowish temp - 250 to 275 degrees. Go to church for an hour and when you come home, the bacon is cooked perfectly.


xthe_witch t1_j922ccu wrote

I think your dog wants some of your bacon


Ganon-dork t1_j92c6hf wrote

Your dog wants a piece


Ya-Mamma t1_j936kob wrote

I hope shared a piece with your fur baby!!!


hootievstiger t1_j91ovwe wrote

Do this but with a wire oven wrack above the foiled metal pan.


miss_helll t1_j91n22g wrote

Inspiration for my morning 🥓👅💗


invent_or_die t1_j91rb16 wrote

TIP: put baking cooling racks on the foil, so the bacon isn't swimming in grease, it's just above. Easy cleanup, all the grease is contained in the parchment or foil.


stephen250 t1_j921sdw wrote

So, you butchered the pig, too?


TheDkone t1_j91jh4j wrote

Try using a cookie rack. I do it this way with foil underneath so the grease is easy to clean, and the bacon doesn't sit in all the grease.


here-i-am-now t1_j91m1l2 wrote

The bacon isn’t sitting in grease when cooking. It’s being fried in its own fat.


Justforthenuews t1_j917ncu wrote

Can’t eat bacon cooked like this, for some reason the texture of baked bacon on a tray feels off to me.

Edit: y’all have some issues if you can’t handle reading someone’s opinion about food. You can keep liking it, stop gate keeping people from not liking it baked, wtf.

Think about it: is your ego so fragile you can’t handle someone not liking food prepared the exact same way as you?


MyDivineSelf t1_j91a4ln wrote

every single strip of bacon you've had at restaurants has been baked on a pan like this.


Justforthenuews t1_j91aewt wrote

Which is probably why I don’t like to eat bacon most of the time and very rarely order food with it (like in strips).


freeject t1_j93030f wrote

I agree but mannn who cares about some reddit downvotes lol think about it: is your ego so fragile you can't handle someone not liking your comment? (I'm teasing kinda)


Justforthenuews t1_j930xr3 wrote

Nah, no worries it’s all good. Fake internet points don’t make or break me, that’s why I don’t delete downvoted posts. Instead I rather use the momentary negative spotlight to highlight to people their own actions.

My overall score on reddit being lower is a total win in my book if a single person sees that post and gains some self awareness of their actions. “why am I downvoting someone because of some food they don’t like?”


Sea_Information_6134 t1_j91x0x3 wrote

It's crazy how even a food sub has a toxic hivemind mentality. Like damn, lol.
