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Character-Town-9659 t1_jdwscbe wrote

If all Pho broth had that much fat/collagen... The world would be a better place.


slamongo t1_jdxon1d wrote

You can ask for a fatty broth on the side. Modern Viet don't ask for this anymore because of they are more consious of the health concern. They used to do it a lot in VN.


Stevenwernercs t1_jdymuhl wrote

missing sriracha and hoisin sauce


SootyMeat t1_je4s19t wrote

This is authentic pho. No one out sriracha and hosen sauce in this so stfu and stop talking like you're a Vietnamese that knows


Stevenwernercs t1_je7sbev wrote

In the North they're pretty hard core about the sauce, that isn't the case in Ho Chi Minh City (where OP ate this). There many enjoy some spice and flavor in their Pho...

wow tough, 3 toxic comments over Pho, looking at your comment history you seem to be a very toxic person, just shitting on any post or comment you see.

I don't care about you enough to say I hope you get over that, but for the people around you at least I guess I hope you get over yourself and chill out. Just be happy with yourself and stop using other redditors as your punching bag.

you are blocked


SootyMeat t1_je4s82e wrote

and its "hoisin" not "hosen" now u can stfu


nomaddopamine OP t1_jdwjd46 wrote

In Ho Chi Minh City. Delicious


bobke4 t1_jdx4uzq wrote

God I miss that stuff. Vietnamese food is my favorite far. Even better than thai


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxkf6b wrote

Vietnamese soup and coffee— The best.

Thai stir fry— The best.

Chinese comfort food (sweet & sour, General Tsao’s, etc.)— The best.

They each have their own strength.

There was also a Chinese Shabu Shabu restaurant (which is Mongolian soup) that was superb on par with Phò for sure.


bucketassrabbit t1_jdxxrdk wrote

fyi, Phò is actually the word for prostitute. Phở is what you’re looking for. or you don’t need to add an accent, we can understand!

i find it so funny when i see foreigners make that mistake on this word, though i love it.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxyr6g wrote

Had no idea. I knew it was the ở character but it doesn’t show up on my keyboard. I often look up online to cut&paste the correct form of words but I could have sworn I saw ò used elsewhere. I also didn’t know no one? minds if it’s unaccented. I would have thought it would be more annoying to not have at least some accent indicated. So that is good insight about sensibilities. And then there are our sensibilities too you know. I call people out on mistakes all the time so I will give you a pass.


bucketassrabbit t1_jdy3qtg wrote

yeah you’re good! Viet people love curiosity, so we will make fun of you for it for shits and giggles but we don’t care. we were taught growing up to eliminate all accents on our words when presenting them in a foreign language, so when in doubt, no accent is absolutely fine.

edit: and i have seen people open a viet restaurant but put Phò in their name.


BallardCPOS t1_je025t8 wrote

Shabu Shabu is Japanese hot pot. Nothing to do with China or Mongolia.


urmomolaf_ t1_jdyww0d wrote

That looks so good OP. Can’t find any pho that as fatty as this one, like look at the extra fat. Where is it tho cuz I wanna try!!!!


mrcatboy t1_jdwwqhx wrote

Is that a nice thicc layer of beef fat on top? I need my pho to be the Exxon Valdez of soupy noodles. Gotta be able to drown a seabird in my bowl.


KGhaleon t1_jdwr0av wrote

I see Pho I upvote.

Though I would definitely add some siracha to that.


savage-dragon t1_jdz2zru wrote

No true Vietnamese would ever add Sriracha to pho. What you need is the homemade spicy satay sauce that each and every pho noodle shop will make themselves at night using black magic fuckery and each shop has its own distinct way of making it and sometimes you base your decision on that fucking satay alone.


elliottmarter t1_jdxc5t6 wrote

An Up-Pho-te if you will.

I'll get my coat.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxko6h wrote

There’s a Phò place in my region called “Phò King Good”.

That should help with the pronunciation.


ironmunkii t1_jdyc4qe wrote

I am Vietnamese and this is the worst bowl of pho I have ever seen.


Khal_Kitty t1_jdza7cc wrote

People are praising the grease, but all I can see is the gunk from the beef all over the broth and side walls of the bowl lol


MassacrisM t1_jdzmi3n wrote

Prob bad pic. But phở in Vietnam tends to be more flavourful and 'fatter' than outside the country.


derailed-caboose t1_jdxdrkw wrote

The noodles in Vietnam are on another level. Makes me wish I was there now.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxl5qx wrote

They sell Phò kits at my grocers. I might try one and see how good it is. It should only be a matter of spices, Thai Basil, and thin sliced beef.

I am something of a Phò proficionado trying all manner of Phò restaurants and I know what the best Phò probably tastes like at this point.


opekiskagrl t1_jdxy5ah wrote

Love Phò, and Vietnamese food in general. Learned to appreciate it while on a project in Greensboro, NC, which has a surprisingly large Vietnamese contingent.

Ewer since then, while I was still doing a fair amount of travelling for out-of-town projects, I would seek out Vietnamese restaurants and always choose Phò as my first meal as a gauge to their quality.

One thing I learned was that the location and appearance weren't a very good guide to go by. The most sumptuous was in San Diego, but even thought they had a lobster tank and lots of gorgeous appurtenances the fare was mediocre.

My best success has been with tiny places in small and often somewhat dingy strip malls.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdxyzhg wrote

Vietnamese just said you got to use the ở character or nothing apparently ò is very wrong just a heads up.


opekiskagrl t1_jdy0188 wrote

My bad. I just used a copy and paste from an earlier entry to get the diacritical mark in there. No idea it was wrong, but I have no excuse for not knowing or being lazy.

This does not diminish my love for Phở. (And my very western spell checker insists I misspelled that. I corrected it too.)


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdy200s wrote

Yeah I just wanted to let you know to avoid looking stupid and I felt bad because it was I who used the mark and I didn’t want to cause anyone into dismay.


LnStrngr t1_je09qdp wrote

Some of the best food I've had come from "hole in the wall" locations.


Senior_Night_7544 t1_jdyxy5e wrote

>I am something of a Phò proficionado

This does not mean what you think it does 😂

> I know what the best Phò probably tastes like at this point.

I bet you do! 😂😂


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdz4aor wrote

So do you think I should edit it then?

I’m not having a good time in life the country being ruined.

Exerting myself at anything other than happenstantial tasks is painful.


[deleted] t1_jdz0109 wrote



Senior_Night_7544 t1_jdz5y5n wrote

I don't care, just try not to sound like such a full of yourself jackass in the future, Mr. Proficionado.


_W1T3W1N3_ t1_jdzamdu wrote

Oh that, yes, someone has explained that, oh grand-pa-pa.

Ask not that pray that I should edit it, for the discomfort of doing so. I’ve got encumbered by the perils. Graces later such and such.

Pip pip.


Ecks1738 t1_jdygqiv wrote

I'm Pho-King jealous!


Hunter8i8 t1_jdz413j wrote

You didn’t invite us. That’s Pho’cked up. :(


pip-roof t1_jdwxeiy wrote

This makes me need


RunninOnMT t1_jdxmlm8 wrote

in the thumbnail, i thought this picture was a screen shot of a sim-city (or similar city building game) with the map zoomed all the way out.

Also YUM


LilyWhitesN17 t1_jdxplrk wrote

Has to be said...Chicken Pho beats regular old Chicken Soup


Redawg660 t1_jdypik8 wrote

I really enjoy Pho and we are fortunate to have a lot of Vietnamese restaurants in Portland. That bowl of Pho is a little bit on the high fat side for me. I like it lean and I put enough chilis in it to heat it up.


balrob t1_jdzir5a wrote

Looks legit … not faux.


flip-96 t1_je0h3vb wrote

Nice Pho. Yo.


GunKamaSutra t1_je0l6nm wrote

Did you put hoisin and sriracha in it like a casual?


corvusCenturean t1_je0q5s5 wrote

Bro you better hide all that oil before the US invades your dinner table.


dreadnough7 t1_jdxrwzt wrote

As a pho connoisseur, I am offended by the sight.


teatimewithbatman1 t1_jdy0595 wrote

That's what traditional pho in Vietnam looks like. Pho in America has much much less fat and collagen


Outcast96_ t1_jdxegy5 wrote



SCPH-1000 t1_jdxh0pc wrote

What’s wrong with pho?!


big_sugi t1_jdxhyxk wrote

The problem is obviously with the poster. Poor soul must have a stomach bug or something.

Get well soon, u/outcast96_ ! A nice bowl of pho is good for what ails you!


UzaLooza t1_jdygkhe wrote

I can see why your friends ghosted you.


Arthur_YouDumbass t1_jdy91g2 wrote

I'm with you on this one. It may taste good but I struggle to see how this beef is appetizing.


lostmonkey70 t1_jdyg6ml wrote

That's my issue with this picture. It looks vaguely like someone tossed a washcloth in their soup; it's not appealing.