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SunChipMan t1_jdy155g wrote

Yeah, I don't get the weed drink thing. If I'm drinking a soda I'm gonna want all of it.


DonGatelyofEnfield t1_jdy72j1 wrote

In MA, I have yet to see a single thc soda or seltzer over 5mg.


ChumbawumbaFan01 t1_jdy7hn5 wrote

We used to have a serving size limit of 5mg in Oregon until the year started and it was boosted to 10mg. Maybe you got our old stock.


Sub_pup t1_je1vjtn wrote

They are labeled as 10x 10mg doses and a lot of them come with medicinal dosing cup like on cough syrup. Although here in WA they seemed to have loosened up a bit because the 100mg drinks I've been getting are only 2ozs of liquid.


g1ngertim t1_jdyat62 wrote

I've always assumed they were for the people with insane tolerances. A coworker of mine has to have ~100mg to feel any intoxication, so he'll use these. I have no idea where he gets the money, we're not paid that well lmao.


SunChipMan t1_jdyb0wd wrote

Yeah, I just don't have much tolerance for ingested thc. 20mg in a can would be my tops.


steveturkel t1_jdyk48y wrote

Well tolerance goes up for heavy users, I usually take about 100-140mg a night so I could definitely have the whole can no problem.


Sub_pup t1_je1v8md wrote

This is intended to be finished in one sitting like a beer or mixed drink. The ones I usually get are shots and only like 2ozs of liquid but have the same 100 mg dosage.