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TypicalJeepDriver t1_jdyku6t wrote

Damn y’all some haters. At least he made a home cooked meal for his wife for her birthday. Granted, it may not be perfect, but maybe he doesn’t cook a lot? Maybe that’s the amount of sour cream she likes? We don’t know and you guys are over here just shittin’ on him.

Lotta women out there with men who don’t even remember their birthdays, let alone make a meal for them that they were proud enough to post online.


adrolter t1_je0ucsp wrote

I agree with this take, but at the same time, if you're going to post some sad looking tacos on a "foodie" subreddit you're asking to get clowned on a bit.


ThatCanajunGuy t1_je1bgm5 wrote

I feel like r/food is mainstream enough that this kind of post is acceptable here. It's when people post thrown together stuff on r/foodporn where I take issue.


thx_for_the_fish_ t1_jdz7006 wrote

It’s not even a proper taco, what, because he’s a man and learned to fry some mince w/o spice he gets the credit?
