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baa_ram_ewe t1_itp4h2d wrote

helps to emulsify the tomato and cream parts of the sauce, so they don't separate. enhances the flavor of the other ingredients, and gives the sauce a little extra kick.


OobleCaboodle t1_itpdidg wrote

Ooh, interesting. I'll have to try it. How many bottles would go into a two person serving? Bottle each?


JoneeJonee t1_itpg40x wrote

You know what, try it. It could be a great pasta!


aaronblue342 t1_itpw37b wrote

As much as you can handle /s

Like a 1/4 cup, if im doing the math right from my recipe as I remember it. Also make it top shelf so it wont impart any unwanted flavors.

Fun fact, it doesnt boil off, its just so diluted you wont get drunk.