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ZtephenGrackus OP t1_itpzb6h wrote

Philly suburbs, which you think would have passable options but nope! I've found some good ones but they're still not the same and not on every other corner like NJ. Same with diners, weirdly not a "thing" around here.


Wishilikedhugs t1_itq00ks wrote

That's been my experience in MD. I can't just go anywhere and expect it be decent. I've asked locals for help and then I realized that their taste in pizza is not the same as mine. I've had more than one person tell me Papa John's and every other chain you can think of. They really like this stuff called Ledo, which consists of cracker crust, ketchup esque sweet sauce and undercooked provolone on top..they think that's good pizza. It feels so defeating.

I totally get you with the burb issue though. At least you can take the bridge over. There's lots of good pizza in Cherry Hill.