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cdnsalix t1_itql2ij wrote

The recipe I have calls to add the vodka to the meat before the tomato stuff, and to egnite it. Opinions on egniting the vodke vs not in terms of flavour?


ZtephenGrackus OP t1_itqlxzs wrote

I think igniting it "burns" the alcohol bite off quicker. I usually opt to just deglaze with liquor because I'm scared to burn down my apartment hahaha. I've done it before (in smaller pans, this was a big pot) and haven't noticed a huge difference in taste. Maybe just a timing difference.


cdnsalix t1_itqmwvu wrote

Now I'm just embarrassed I misspelled "ignite" not just one but twice. I was arguing aloud with the spellcheck on my phone for suggesting other words (yet none of which was "ignite"). Not sure if I need cold medication, more coffee, or sleep. Probably all of the above.