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Ike_Jones t1_iua7cre wrote

Just 1? Thats a tease. Last time in nyc I asked the hotel concierge where to get a slice. Oh man that was great move. It was awesome whereas my previous visit not so much.


OscarDivine t1_iua8nkk wrote

Their herb shaker coughed once on your pizza there I see haha. Damn now I want pizza…. Edit: yeah I just ordered two pies haha


shastapete t1_iuaa4p9 wrote

no NY slice has sauce on the top


FR33_D1RTNAPSS t1_iuaaarl wrote

Perfect amount of sauce. Crust looking nice, thin n crispy. Seasonings on point. Perfect amount of grease.

Yep. I want one.


aleellee t1_iuabzxe wrote

Served by a miner?


scratison t1_iuadgkm wrote

Do they have bananas at Rosas?


GSXRbroinflipflops t1_iuakfkr wrote

Yeah, that’s a margherita slice right there and a nice one at that.

But then there’s the grandma slice.

And the tomato pie.

My favorite lately has been the “drunken grandma” which is a grandma slice that uses vodka sauce.

Oh baby. Now I’m hungry.


mattingly233 t1_iuamati wrote

Looks like Sbarro, the only authentic pizza place in the city, Michael Scott.


EccoEco t1_iuao1lt wrote

Pal, it's the simple truth, I might have kept it to myself that is indeed true, an impolite indiscretion on my part quite so, but can you really disprove me? Are you really going to tell me, an italian, what italian food is supposed to be like?


GaugeWon t1_iuapcok wrote

Huh... They used to be wider...

This reminds me of the time my sister took me for pizza in Brooklyn, and I flipped 2 differently-topped slices together and said: "poor mans Stromboli!". It was the first time I ever saw somebody's face turn aghast; she was so upset like I violated pizza protocol or something.


Drach88 t1_iuaqcw7 wrote

Italian cuisine and Italian-American cuisine diverged 100 years ago.

This is Italian-American pizza from NYC. We get it, you're Italian. No one cares.


Theoldelf t1_iuaqd1t wrote

Oil on the paper? ✔️


Grow_away_420 t1_iuauv42 wrote

Did someone ash their cigar on top of it?


EccoEco t1_iuavurl wrote

Which is something that americans bring up only when It's convenient to them, now I am sorry, as I said I should have held my tongue, but it's simply true, due to many reasons, quality of ingredients, usage and quantity of oil and fats, and many other factors, american style pizza is almost universally going to look cheap when compared to the original. Sorry for having stated it, I really am, damn I should have known better not to hit this hornet nest, but honesty at this point why not take a chip off my shoulder can you imagine if all country were this much entitled when it came to their own version of foreign food? Damn, for example, although this is not as wellknown by nonitalians, italian migration didn't just happen in the states, the Southern American Talianos exist too, and tbf not only Is their food much better but we are in much better relationship with them due to the much less adversarial nature of our relationship.


sweatpantsDonut t1_iuax3ht wrote

I want one now, damn. By the slice pizza rules, I love it.


kosherhalfsourpickle t1_iuayxb2 wrote

Why can't we get an even spread of sauce on pizza? What is the rationale for splotchy spreading of the sauce? Is this bite going to contain sauce?


datguyakala t1_iub04zp wrote

I’m not entirely sure… I was last in NY ten years ago and it cheese on pizza was OK.

I guess it’s the aesthetic… it looks so bright. Perhaps it’s just the pictures


hostile_washbowl t1_iub6250 wrote

I’d like you to know that you and your Italian compagni have made yourselves so chiaro that you believe le scoregge italiane hanno un odore migliore that the rest of the world simply ride e si fa beffe del tuo snobismo


xrocket21 t1_iub73bc wrote

One bite, everybody knows the rules


hacksparks t1_iub9pxx wrote

that looks so tasty no matter what the pizza is actually called


more_lemons t1_iubcr4q wrote

Like it has potential to be good, nice type of crust, like the sauce on top, cheese isn't burnt, looks juicy. But Jesus low effort there making it. Probably 1-2min more in the burner.


Damonytrix t1_iubfe8a wrote

Then droped it? Extra toppings getting your monies worth


jbmelk t1_iubfgjo wrote

Margherita slice not a plain slice. But still looks absolutely delicious regardless


S35H t1_iubi7f4 wrote

Dropped ur weed on it bro


SafetyDanceInMyPants t1_iubkmu1 wrote

It depends on how much of a purist you are. Is this the traditional slice? Not really, no. Probably wouldn’t get it at the old school places. But have I seen a slice like this in reputable joints? For sure. So if you define a NY slice narrowly to only a certain kind of slice, this ain’t it — but it is a type of slice you can get at a slice place in New York.


Prof- t1_iubpvtv wrote

Where in nyc?


mr001991 t1_iubu6js wrote

was it a dollar like in the movies?


DatSauceTho t1_iubxjn9 wrote

>Huh... They used to be wider...

Wait, what? Do all pizzerias in NYC make the exact same pizza?? lol

>she was so upset like I violated pizza protocol or something.

Because you did, sir. You may as well have shit on an authentic Parisian baguette.


spagootsquash t1_iuc2zsr wrote

the drunk grandma slice is my favorite fuckin pizza slice ever. I grew up on Long Island, now live too far to grab the forever-craven delicacy. if you’re in the area ever, Phil’s in massapequa. greatest slice of pizza that’s ever blessed my mouth


Logan_922 t1_iucjo9x wrote

Oh my god.. I’m on a diet right now and holy fuck… it’s 4:21am and I’ve never craved something so badly..

I need a Costco slice of pizza ASAP, considering I don’t live in NY💀


LemonKushy t1_iud6wth wrote

Wait so u bought a singular pizza slice?


GaugeWon t1_iudbtvv wrote

> Wait, what? Do all pizzerias in NYC make the exact same pizza?? lol

No, haha, but what generally makes NY pizza distinct from everywhere else is their huge, thin slices.

>You may as well have shit on an authentic Parisian baguette.

I would get my money back if they served me a cheese-steak on a dry, parisian, dinner-roll.


m_pops t1_iudln7w wrote

Looks like Bleeker Street Pizza.


EccoEco t1_iudt6er wrote

Why would what I said be "stupid" or even completely false and how would that in your opinion be a constant? If you were to ask me, and not only me as it seems, to eat that pizza I would not be very inclined, could I have kept that to myself, yes it would have been wiser and I wouldn't have to be here to discuss this inanity with you.


EccoEco t1_iuhhb32 wrote

Oh here we come... Out little keyboard lion has come to show his colours eh? My "country" pal got some problems with my "country", Who would have guessed that someone that so easily calls in an entire nationality for the mistakes of one would also have some yikey feelings towards that nationality's right of self identification or even some nice ideas about "National character" or some other bogus concept... We didn't drive anyone anywhere, it was a time of scarcity and the most vulnerable sections of some areas's population, and not only here in Italy and not just in the South but to be fair I don't expect you to be exactly an authority on history at this point, choose to take their chances with the new world.

That said the reason why among all italian emigrant Communities the american One has been hit the hardest both culturally and economically is not really our fault at least not ours only, the reason has to be searched in america's own quite heavy xenophobia and anti catholic and generally anti non-wasp sentiment that was prominent at the times and... Now too in a certain quantity I might suppose.

From racial ghettisation all the way to a precise desire to keep such immigrants ignorant so that they might remain an easily exploitable workforce incapable to react to it's surroundings accordingly, dear pal I can assure you this is all black and White in any history or anthropology books that gives an even basic portrayal of the american immigrant societies of the time, which actually if you'd allow me to go off topic for a second I personally had to study for my academic pursuits.

So what's to say, seems that particular sentiment is still quite alive ain't it eh? So tbf if today Italians have problems recognizing Italo americans as their own folk It could be easily said that, although a non negligible part to our own fault, It also comes from anglo american quite dirty past of ethnic segregation.

For what concerns the comment I edited it because I did understand that I had gone to far, I am perfectly capable of understanding that I am way far from perfect and more often than not can end up saying stupid things, can you?

Well what else can I say, on behalf of me and my "nation" A mai più rivederci