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Black-Maicoh t1_iug79tz wrote

I don't quite understand what the reason for a smash burger is versus a regular burger. What's the idea behind it?


Toucan_Lips t1_iuggvcv wrote

You get a lot more surface area cooked very quickly so you get a lot of crusty edge. Also usually one portion is split into two patties so you get two thinner, crustier patties that are then held together by melted cheese.

Compare that to a more classic burger patty which is often thicker and has a juicy/pink interior and an outer crust. Smash is almost all crust.


martha_stewarts_ears t1_iugednc wrote

Better sear, crisp edges. Good texture combo with the melty cheese and soft bun. I think it’s just a preference, I do still also love a fat pub style burger too.