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WarrenRene t1_iuf4ptk wrote

Looks great! How’d you like it?


topoben t1_iufekgw wrote

Good work. Looks professional.


v13ragnarok7 t1_iufv4nm wrote

Looks like how burger places want their burgers to look in commercials


Snicklefitz65 t1_iufvhfd wrote

This looks absolutely gorgeous. I'm sure it tasted amazing, I can see the crispy edges!


akara1001 OP t1_iufvop2 wrote

Thank you!

Grab a pack of medium (80/20) ground beef and make roughly packed 3 oz balls of beef. Got my griddle rippin hot and place the balls down. After 10 seconds I used a stainless steel burger press and smashed them. Added salt, pepper and a tiny bit of garlic powder on top. Waited around 2 mins till the edges were curling and crisp. Flipped and added a slice of Velvetta cheese on each patty. Waited around another minute and a bit till the cheese was melted and bottom was crisp. The only other condiments were caramelized onions and sauce.

Sauce: Mayo, ketchup, relish, yellow mustard, tiny bit of fresh garlic, onion powder, smoked paprika, dash of Truff Hotter sauce. Let it chill in fridge for a bit.


akara1001 OP t1_iufxn8d wrote

I actually make them for my wife and I every F1 weekend and have been trying to perfect them for the last few months. I get nervous cooking for a lot of people but I just went for it today. But it’s true when you get the sear/smash perfected it’s a whole new thing.


Black-Maicoh t1_iug79tz wrote

I don't quite understand what the reason for a smash burger is versus a regular burger. What's the idea behind it?


Toucan_Lips t1_iuggvcv wrote

You get a lot more surface area cooked very quickly so you get a lot of crusty edge. Also usually one portion is split into two patties so you get two thinner, crustier patties that are then held together by melted cheese.

Compare that to a more classic burger patty which is often thicker and has a juicy/pink interior and an outer crust. Smash is almost all crust.


BigCliff911 t1_iugzm8s wrote

Nice looking burger. Velveeta is about as far from being cheese as you can get. Use some cheddar.


gerd50501 t1_iuhlrnq wrote

What makes a cheese burger a smashburger? I dont live near the fast food chain that sells these.


akara1001 OP t1_iuhq26n wrote

u/Toucan_Lips put it best with his comment

“You get a lot more surface area cooked very quickly so you get a lot of crusty edge. Also usually one portion is split into two patties so you get two thinner, crustier patties that are then held together by melted cheese.

Compare that to a more classic burger patty which is often thicker and has a juicy/pink interior and an outer crust. Smash is almost all crust.”

Hopefully you can find a mom and pop shop that sells them. They really hit the spot.


mercuchio23 t1_iuib3zr wrote

No salad tho, can't be doing that my g


DC-422 t1_iuiy1xm wrote
